Mario and Luigi: Partners in Death

I recently bought a copy of Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, for the DS, from a Barnes and Noble store. I know it is weird to find a game in a book store, but it brought back fond memories and I decided to buy it. I went home, put it in my 3DS, and got up to the part before Mario and Luigi meet their past selves. While I was eating my spaghetti that I made, I noticed Mario jump, without me pressing a button. Luigi then did the same, and they continued to alternate for about a minute. I was horrified, so I stopped playing. I told myself, “it’s just a glitch, don’t worry”.
When I turned it back on, Mario and Luigi were standing there, dead! Their horrifying corpses remained motionless, until I reached for the power button. Then they began moving towards me and I threw my 3DS into the window, 5 stories high. I took deep breaths. “It’s only a game, nothing to be worried about”, I kept telling myself. It’s been a year so far, and I still have nightmares about that haunted game. I just wish that it wasn’t still lying there on my driveway.